
Reimagining Education

Once Upon a Time – Deborah’s Story

Once Upon a Time titleA great education is more than just a fairy tale.

Parent Deborah C. took the time to fill us in on her story after she was able to exercise her right to choose an accredited school for her children.  Read her story to find out more and please consider support CEAM with a donation today.

My children and I live in Velda City.  I have a son who is a junior and attends Francis Howell North.  My daughter is a 7th grader and attends Mary E Bryan Middle School in the Francis Howell School District.  I chose to send my children to Francis Howell School District.  I wanted to give my children the best opportunity to obtain a good education.  I wanted them to experience an environment where they could learn and ENJOY it.  The experience so far has been great for my son.  I see a totally different person.  He enjoys school very much and so does my daughter.  The staff at Francis Howell is very caring and they want the children to learn.  What I have learned is that right off the top, if there are problems with your child learning something, it’s dealt with right away, not just when it’s report card time.  I hope that this continues throughout the rest of his school years.  My son had already told me that he doesn’t want to go back to his old school, even if they are reaccredited before he graduates.

What your donation dollars accomplish

Spreading the word about education reform by raising Public Awareness
Your support helps us reach more Missourians with our message of parental empowerment for education reform. We raise awareness through community events such as movie screenings, public forums, public presentations, social media and the Internet, public relationsand traditional media outlets.

Bringing people together through Grassroots Organizing
Your support enables the Children’s Education Alliance of Missouri to be in communities where our experience and know-how can most benefit children and parents.

Help parents get at seat at the table through specialized training at Parent Academy
Your support enables us to reach more parents for our Parent Academy. Our training sessions take place in community gathering spots such as libraries, churches, and community centers. Parent graduates of our program then organize themselves and find ongoing support through chapters of the new Missouri Parent Union.

Parent training and financial assistance program for Special Needs Learners
No one feels the need for greater parental decision-making as much as the parents of special learners. Our staff can provide valuable training for parents of special learners when it comes to understanding their rights and navigating the IEP process. If a new educational environment is in the child’s best interest, CEAM’s financial assistance program occasionally can provide scholarships to fill the gaps in costs related to tuition and fees for special services.

Giving levels

You can join the CEAM TEAM with a donation of any amount. Here are some suggested giving levels to consider:

Champion of Change : Gifts of $5,000 or more

Scholar Superstar: Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Education Reformer : Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499

Choice Supporter : Gifts of $500 to $999

Excellence in Education : Gift of $100 to $499

Friend of CEAM : Gifts up to $99

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