
Reimagining Education

Press Release: MSIP5 School Report Cards

The Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) 5 data released by DESE gives an evaluation of all the schools in a complicated numerical format that does not allow parents to assess a school’s performance the same way they would for their own students. Since January of this year, CEAM has been working with officials in Jefferson City to make school performance data more legible to parents and other members of the community not only statewide, but also for each individual school. Because the information on the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s website is still difficult to find and understand for most, CEAM has taken the academic achievement, graduation rate, attendance, college and career readiness, and other factors on a 140-point scale for each of Missouri’s public schools and translated the information into an easily understood format that can be found here.

CEAM knows that understanding how their schools measure up will encourage parents and educators to increase their focus where students in their communities need the most hope. Since Florida implemented its rating system in 1999, the number of A and B schools has more than doubled. Given the participation of educators, parents, community members, and academics in creating the standards used by MSIP 5, we believe that the same participation will hold schools accountable to these standards.

Click here to find out if your school makes the grade.


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