
Reimagining Education

“My wife and I have been greatly impressed with the level of education our son has received at GSA charter school. We are extremely blessed he is there. He is challenged every day.”

– Ryan Tucker, St. Louis City.

Ryan Tucker has two children attending a charter school, Gateway Science Academy (GSA), in St. Louis. Both kids previously attended an SLPS Magnet School but had a horrendous experience with his youngest. He tried to be an active parent with SLPS but unfortunately he found “the relationship with administration was toxic, bureaucratic, inefficient and ineffective.” He was not able to resolve his issues and concerns with the staff and administration and was forced to withdraw his youngest to attend GSA. 

Their experience in GSA has been extremely positive. His kids enjoy school and the after-school programs offered at GSA such as Chess Club, Lego Club, Movie Club, Bowling, Art Club and study hall, if needed. He sees the values GSA tries to teach students of time management, planning, accountability, self-discipline, and a feeling of independence. 

He is thankful for having this choice/option, because without this option, he would have had to look at moving out of the city into another school district.  

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