
Reimagining Education

Education reforms across the country and what Missouri can learn from them

Parents, educators, legislators, community and business leaders across the country are discussing the benefits of education reforms.  There is no one singular solution.  But one thing seems to be certain, changing nothing brings no change.  Other states, however, have gone before Missouri and can now illuminate for us trends that show promise.  Take a look at what is happening elsewhere, and know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

“When true reform occurs and parents are given the freedom to choose the education that’s best for their children, students are able to break through every barrier and truly excel.”

Parents just want to see their children reach their full potential.  The Children’s Education Alliance of Missouri believes that parents should be empowered with access to the best educational options for their child.  We also believe in parents’ ability, right and obligation to make these decisions, and that in the presence of quality options parents indeed make the best choices for their children.

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