
Reimagining Education

Advocacy Training

CEAM helps parents, students, and teachers become better advocates for high-quality education by giving them the tools they need in our diverse advocacy training programs

Whether you are a student, parent, teacher or school leader, learning how to be a better advocate is key to improving education across Missouri.

CEAM has trained hundreds of advocates who now share their stories, fight for change and engage other advocates. CEAM’s unique advocacy training programs engage advocates one-on-one and in small groups where they learn to tell the story of their own educational experiences and get the tools they need to fight for change. From an elevator pitch to testimony for legislative committee hearings and town halls to letters to the editor and more, CEAM’s trained advocates share their stories and put a face on education in Missouri.

CEAM’s advocacy training programs focus first on building the skills for persuasive and effective communication with a focus on legislation and lobbying, public speaking, social media and training for traditional media interviews.

Once trained and engaged, CEAM helps advocates take action through the CEAM Activation Network. We communicate through Phone2Action text messages when chances to act arise and provide our network with useful information and ways to make a difference.

CEAM also supports parents in connecting with their legislators by facilitating both home district and state capitol visits. These meetings provide meaningful opportunities to connect with legislators and build relationships.

CEAM’s Advocacy Training Curriculum covers everything from how Missouri’s state government works to how to engage with the media, advocate through social media, and develop a campaign using tools like a 30-second elevator speech and neighborhood canvassing. Our training is broken down into four key modules which can be taught as a whole over multiple training sessions or combined to highlight key aspects in single-session seminars.